School: OŠ Louisa Adamiča Grosuplje, Slovenia
Basic data about the school:
- number of students: 1085 aged 6 to 15
- number of teachers: 114
- number of classes: 49
Other relevant info:
- one of the largest primary schools in Slovenia, with head school on Tovarniška street and 4 additional branch schools in as many locations;
- declared Most Cultural School of the year 2016 in Slovenia
- there are seven singing choirs and two highly successful drama groups
- involved in many international activities
- provides various professional development activities for the staff
Project description
Minor projects are aimed at reducing noise levels in the school during brakes. Students are being offered various activities to focus their attention and energy into positive actions that will not only help reduce noise in the school, but also promote various educational goals, such as healthy diet, reading, learning, showcasing and celebrating their talents, etc. An activity is also offered for teachers to promote better communication and socialising, hence improving interpersonal relationships. The goal is to make the school more fun, interesting, but still a house of knowledge and good relationships.
Project team
The project was developed by teachers. However, some are being carried out by students. The goal is to have the students take on a continuously more active role in the implementation and development of these minor projects.
These innovative solutions are intended to primarily benefit student. However, they will also have a direct and an indirect effect on teachers and other school workers.
- number of students involved in the project: so far approx.20 students have actively participated in the implementation of projects; we plan for this number to increase overtime;
- number of teachers involved in the project: 9; the number of teachers participating in the execution of projects is increasing;
- number of other stakeholders (e.g. parents, policy makers, etc) involved in the project: approx. representatives offlical businesses.