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Nowadays innovations are of crucial importance for the development and economic results of the European Union and its members. Slovenia, Austria and Hungary invest a lot in the field of innovation, yet there are still challenges to be faced involving innovation in all fields. One of them is related to the educational system which has to be continuously adapted to the needs of the modern society. It should address the nowadays needs, e.g. creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship (CI&E) are crucial competences that cannot be taught in a simple manner. The Project’s aim is to trigger different ways of thinking in primary schools and to show that creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are crucial for success - anywhere; in all subjects, in daily situations in school, in real life challenges, and to teach participants how to implement that in practice.

Based on the Project’s activities, evaluation and country specifics the final InnoTeach Model will be prepared – an optimised comprehensive toolbox (IO6) representing a set of methodologies, guidelines and materials for efficient implementation of the Project’s objectives for other schools and its validation. The activities will also encompass interesting and interactive international training (C1) and national e-training (C2). Teachers will acquire knowledge and skills from the field of CI&E. It is important also to develop personal competences necessary for successful implementation of ideas (e.g. self-confidence, courage, risk attitude, teamwork, etc.). Within practical work teachers will identify a concrete challenge (a problem from school, educational process, local environment…) and perform all the necessary phases which are crucial if they wish to bring their idea to life.
Within the Project, schools/teachers will be encouraged to establishing cooperation with various stakeholders, e.g. companies, researchers, parents, innovators and entrepreneurs. They can contribute their experiences if teachers invite them to present their jobs via invited lectures, visits to their working places. Some of them may prepare problems and the school can contribute ideas and develop solutions. In addition, local stakeholders can support teachers/pupils in preparation of prototypes, materials, equipment. It is important to stress that many successful projects in schools have been performed in cooperation with the local environment.


The basic aim is to trigger different way of thinking in primary schools and to show that innovation is crucial for success – anywhere; in all subjects, in daily situations in school, in real life challenges. In the first step, teachers will be trained and equipped with appropriate tools for creative work. Teachers will also be encouraged to use the knowledge in practice. They will identify a concrete challenge (a problem from school, educational process, local environment…) and perform all the necessary phases which are crucial if they wish to create, develop and implement innovative solutions and bring their idea to life.


The Project’s target group are teachers for the 2nd and 3rd triad in primary schools (pupils aged 9-14). The Project’s indirect target group are pupils.


September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2018


  1. Korona plus d.o.o., Inštitut za inovativnost in tehnologijo (Project leader, Slovenia),
  2. Osnovna šola Trnovo (Slovenia),
  3. Osnovna šola Louisa Adamiča Grosuplje (Slovenia),
  4. I.S.C.N. GesmbH (Austria),
  5. ORG Grazer Schulschwestern (Austria),
  6. iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft. (Hungary),
  7. Turai Hevesy György Általános Iskola (Hungary),
  8. Kerepesi Széchenyi István Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola (Hungary),


English title: LET’S BE INNOVATIVE! Development of Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Primary School Teachers
Acronym: InnoTeach
Project No.: 2016-1-SI01-KA201-021641
Project Leader and Coordinator: Korona plus d.o.o., Institut za inovativnost in tehnologijo, Slovenia
Programme: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Contact: Ms. Urška Mrgole –